No Wasted Time


A Collaborative Partnership


Black Right Arrow

Welcome to

Our House,

Our Home

Our Community

Black Right Arrow

Our Blueprint for Change and Transformation as we re-pioneer Society, one person, one community at a time

LaRahna Hughes, MSS

Lead Collaborator

Is Community Broken?

How do we fix it?

We Do It Together!

Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines
Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines
Isometric Geometric 3d Objects And Lines

So Where do we start?

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Black Right Arrow
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Sustainable-Value Based Transformation

We believe we must be able to live the values that allow us to be sustainable. We must be transformed. We believe healing to be the best path to transformation.

Community Support

(Support Services)

We believe that we should help people do the things they value to do (sustainable values) but that they can’t do on their own, yet. We believe that help should be out of goodwill and not obligation.

Sustainable Commerce

We believe solutions should be economically sustainable and that assisting community members be economically sustainable is imperative to creating healthy, vibrant, and resilient communities.

But won’t That take Lots of Moving Parts?

Gear Wheel Mechanism

Yes! It sure will!

Learn about what drives us

Village Builders Magazine

Gear Wheel Mechanism

1st Edition

Black Right Arrow

3rd Edition

4th Edition

Other ​FREE ​REsources

So we do it together!

Many Hands Make Light Work

(Haya proverb)

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Umbrella Integrated Community Development

Contact Us

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Whatsapp Ecuador +593 96 874 0044